The development of a state depends on the capacity of all its regions to remain integrated in the international economy, in a competitive manner and for this purpose the vital condition is to possess an efficient and interconnected transport system. In the context in which Europe needs an efficient transport system which should ensure deliveries of great freight and passenger flows, each member state has to launch and implement strategies that contribute to creating an integrated transport relying on European policies. This approach has determined Romanian authorities to elaborate analyses for elaborating a Master Plan that should contribute to developing transports and integrating them in the European network.
Romania wants a Master Plan for the development of transport infrastructure, document which will be based on the estimation of transport demand and traffic flow until 2030.
Under the circumstances, there is a need to elaborate and develop a national transport model, to estimate the prospective transportation demand and traffic flows, by modes of transport, for medium and long term, namely 2015, 2020 and 2030, in order to identify and prioritise the transport policy measures and transport investment projects. Estimating the socio-economic evolution impact over the mobility level for people and freight, the effects of the implementing transport policy measures and transport investment projects is another decisive factor in the elaboration of the Master Plan.
For an efficient transport system that should answer the mobility demands both on the freight segment and on the passenger one, there is a need to implement projects related to transport integration, to infrastructure quality increase. For this purpose, the Ministry of Transport signed in April an agreement financed from non-reimbursable European funds on the project of technical assistance in consultancy services for the elaboration of the General Transport Master Plan. The value of the project amounts to RON 9.5 Million (EUR 2 Million), and it should be completed in 23 months.
The Master Plan for transports also goes in for the ministry’s policy on the preparation of the next fiscal budgetary exercise of EU 2014-2020, with which Romania has obtained in the renegotiation of the TEN-T network an increase by 40% of the railway network, and from 2014 a greater number of projects for European financing will be applied – including the Danube – Bucharest Channel, part of the projects eligible through the Connecting Europe Facility. The execution of the Master Plan for transports has a special importance for the infrastructure optimisation, especially for the railway infrastructure shifting the freight and passenger flows from roads to the railways, making them more efficient and increasing the international commercial activities at the same time.

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