Video analytics solution for Iowa Interstate Railroad services

Wi-Tronix has equipped Iowa Interstate Railroad’s (IAIS) entire locomotive fleet with Violet. Violet is a real-time, streaming event recorder and advanced video analytics solution that railways use to manage their fleets through the Wi-Tronix website, offered as a cloud-based Software as a Service (SaaS), from anywhere in world on any device. The solution enables companies to comply with federal regulations and to improve operational efficiency and safety procedures.
The Violet hardware platform consists of an event recorder (ER), digital video recorder (DVR), Locomotive Data Acquisition Recording System (LDARS), and Crash-Hardened Memory Module (CHMM) in a single compact device. Violet has streaming, real-time data capabilities. Data from the locomotive like speed, Positive Train Control (PTC) data, GPS location, throttle notch, and dozens of other signals are sent to the railroad via a cloud-based website. Information is accessible to rail management to monitor efficiency of operations and location and safety of fleet.
IAIS has found many additional applications of the Violet solution, especially in advanced video analytics. Using Violet, IAIS completed video surveys of its mileposts along the track’s right-of-way. Violet’s high-definition cameras and video analytics software analyze the milepost signage and compile the data to create an automated survey and database of all the mileposts. This saves the railroad significant time, cost, and resources by completing a geo-mapping survey during normal locomotive operation.
IAIS also uses the real-time streaming alerts to monitor its automatic engine start/stop systems. The data provides the team with important information to ensure these systems are functioning properly in order for their locomotives to realize maximum fuel savings.
The Violet system also meets federal requirements of recording Positive Train Control (PTC) data.


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