The Cabinet of Ministers of Uzbekistan adopted a resolution. According to the resolution, the country’s industrial enterprises must reduce the production cost by 10 percent in 2015.
The resolution on “Additional measures of reducing the manufacturing costs and a production cost in the industry” was published in the Uzbek media Jan. 26. These parameters are planned to be achieved by reducing the energy consumption, improving the energy efficiency of production.
The technological processes and the consumption rates of raw material resources, operational and overhead expenses must be rationalized by introducing the information and communication technologies (ICT) and optimizing the number of administrative and industrial personnel.
Moreover, the summary parameters of reducing the manufacturing costs and a production cost in economic associations and large enterprises by an average of 10 percent, as well as by nine percent – by reducing the manufacturing costs are approved in accordance with the resolution.
Uzbekistan’s industrial enterprises will have to reduce the production costs by 2.22 percent by saving energy resources, by 0.78 percent by reducing the technological losses, 3.34 percent – optimization of expenditures on raw materials and supplies, 0.31 percent – optimization of the manpower.
It is planned to reduce the cost price by 10.1 percent at the Uzbekistan Railways.
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