United Wagon Company and Uralchem-Trans agreed to set up a service centre providing a full range of repair and maintenance work for UWC’s new generation freight cars. The center will operate at Murashi station repair depot on the Gorky Railway network, which already has experience servicing Tikhvin cars that are owned or managed by Uralchem Holding. The facility has been authorized to carry out current uncoupling repairs and stock spare parts for bogies with enhanced axle load since 2016.
“Our holding is now working to enable companies to carry out scheduled maintenance by establishing top-class service centres. UWC is working closely with its partners to help create such facilities and to train personnel who can operate them,” Dmitry Losev, Deputy CEO for Technological Development at UWC, said.
The two companies signed an agreement on the development of joint infrastructure for repair and maintenance of new generation of freight cars manufactured at Tikhvin Freight Car Building Plant. Uralchem is currently updating and expanding its rolling stock fleet through the acquisition of new cars with increased payload capacity. Currently, UWC is company’s largest supplier. “We intend to further develop cooperation with UWC in order to increase the share of new generation cars to 25% of our fleet by 2021 against 14% at present. As well as the economic advantages associated with the innovative bogie design, payload capacity and body space, the cars compare favorably with typical models by overhaul period,” Vsevolod Kovshov, Director at Uralchem-Trans said.
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