UTi Worldwide Inc and Changjiu Logistics Co officially launched their strategic partnership that will serve the logistics requirements of global automotive original equipment manufacturers (OEM) and suppliers in the automotive market in China.
Ditlev Blicher, UTi President, Freight Forwarding, said that three areas of joint development are planned and include railway solutions between Europe and China, VMI/production logistics for automotive OEMs and Tier 1s, and aftermarket parts and accessories distribution.
“Our strategy is to develop an inland transportation system utilizing UTi’s solutions and best practices and Changjiu Logistics’ strong trucking and warehousing capability in key automotive manufacturing and industrial centers in China. These areas offer a critical mass of Auto clients for OEM/Tier 1 and Tier 2 and are key clusters for UTi and Changjiu Logistics to focus on together, ” Blicher said.
According to Bo Shijiu, Board Chairman- Changjiu Logistics, developments are already underway on the China-to-Europe rail service. Changjiu Logistics has already had success operating such a service for global OEMs and UTi is now running Europe-to-China shipments using the Changjiu Logistics network.
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