USD 11 billion for public transport system in New South Wales

The Government of New South Wales will invest USD 10.7 billion (AUD 14.4 billion) for public transport sector under the 2018-19 budget, which will allow a “massive step in the transformation of public transport in Sydney”, Minister for Transport and Infrastructure Andrew Constance said.
The NSW 2018 budget will provide AUD 4.3 billion (USD 3.2 billion) for the Sydney Metro network, including AUD 1.9 billion (USD 1.4 billion) to continue building Sydney Metro City and Southwest, AUD 3 billion (USD 2.2 billion) for Metro West and AUD 2.4 billion (USD 1.8 billion) to complete Sydney Metro Northwest.
The budget also includes USD 192 million to start the construction works on Parramatta Light Rail stage 1 and a further USD 14.9 million for Parramatta Light Rail Stage 2 planning, which will run north of the Parramatta River and link to Sydney Olympic Park.
The budget also includes USD 655.5 million for digital systems on the railway network, involving the replace of existing signalling and train contro system with modern and intelligent systems.

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