Ukrzaliznytsia liberalizes rates for railcar rent

Ukrzaliznytsia approved on 17 January a new pricing methodology for freight railcar use. Earlier, prices for railcar use were regulated and far below those offered by private railcar providers, the company said. The resulting difference in prices generated shadow incomes for intermediaries and corrupt officials of up to UAH 5 billion (EUR 141.5 million) yearly. More adequate pricing of railcar rent will liquidate the artificial deficit of railcars, Ukrzaliznytsia’s CEO said.
At the first stage, the company will set railcar rates on an asset base principle (accounting for costs of railcar purchases and servicing and allowing for a 10% margin for Ukrzaliznytsia). Later on, the company will use the market mechanism to price railcars, in which rates will be defined by electronic auctions.
The company also announced preliminary prices for railcars that will be valid as of 19 February: prices for gondola cars will be UAH 542/day (EUR 15.3), for grain hoppers – UAH 655/day (EUR 18.5), or about 2.5-3.5 times higher than the regulated rates.
Earlier, the company estimated the economic effect from the liberalization of railcar rent to at least UAH 1 billion (EUR 28.3 million), while more precise estimates were UAH 1.5-4 billion (EUR 42.4 – 113.2 million) yearly.

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