TX Logistik together with rail associations has presented a specially branded locomotive in Duisburg which will be used in rail freight transport throughout Europe with immediate effect.
The event was marked with the Verband Deutscher Verkehrsunternehmen (VDV – Association of German Transport Companies), the Bundesverband Materialwirtschaft, Einkauf und Logistik (BME – Association for Supply Chain Management, Procurement and Logistics) and the association Die Güterbahnen.
The design, all in black with green lettering, is based on a digital clock with a fixed date of January 1, 2030, 0:00 and 1 minute. The message: Until then, there is still time to take the necessary measures to shift significantly more freight to the climate-friendly railways and achieve the climate protection targets in the transport sector on time.
During the presentation of the specially branded locomotive, the representatives of rail freight transport who were present pointed out that shifting more freight transport from road to rail offers considerable potential for reducing CO2 emissions. “We have to reduce CO2 emissions by 65% by 2030 compared to 1990. This can only be achieved in the transport sector by consistently strengthening and shifting to environmentally friendly modes of transport. In freight transport, this is primarily rail, without a doubt,” said Albert Bastius, COO of TX Logistik, the rail freight company, which belongs to Mercitalia Logistics, part of the Gruppo FS Italiane.
“On long-distance routes, rail clearly demonstrates its strengths – both economically and in terms of climate protection. In our view, a sensible split between rail and road, such as in combined transport, is the right way forward,” Helena Melnikov, the Chief Executive of BME said.
Politics must implement further measures to strengthen rail freight transport promptly and consistently. “The leading industrial and economic nations in particular must move forward quickly and consistently. Germany still has considerable backlog in reducing emissions, particularly in the transport sector. This is why strengthening climate-friendly rail freight transport is a key element in achieving the desired goals,” VDV Managing Director Martin Henke said.
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