The new Ivolga EMU EG2Tv is in trial phase at Russian Institute of Research, Design and Technological Studies for Railway Rolling Stock (VNIKTI). The EMU is manufactured by Tver Carriage Works, part of Transmashholding. The first design of this vehicle was presented to the public on May 2014.
The modular vehicle combines modern design, high functionality, and meets the most stringent requirements for safety. One of the innovative technical solutions that were not previously used in the construction of domestic trains, was the use on head and intermediate cars modular units (modules crash) passive safety systems. In the event of a collision with an obstacle, they absorb the energy released during the collision, thereby reducing the risk to the health of passengers and locomotive crews.
In addition, the EG2Tv concept has the possibility to be upgrated for different speeds: 120 km/h, 160 km/h and in future, 250 km/h.
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