After 38 months of operation, the joint venture led by Dodin Campenon Bernard has successfully completed tunnelling for Line b, the second automated metro line in Rennes, France. The JV includes GTM Ouest and Botte Fondations, both subsidiaries of VINCI Construction France, along with Spie Batignolles TPCI, Spie Fondations and Legendre Génie Civil.
The contract was executed for the regional authority Rennes Métropole and transport authority Semtcar. Metro Line b will run between the south-west and north-east of the urban area of Rennes and will serve 15 stations by 2020. The civil engineering project is scheduled for completion during the summer of 2018.
In total, the tunnel boring machine (TBM) Elaine, specially designed for this project, has created 8.5 km of deep tunnel and installed 29,806 arch liners.
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