Trenitalia has launched a tender for a framework agreement to purchase up to 500 electric and diesel trains worth around EUR 4.5 billion.
The first order within the framework agreement is for trains to be used in the Emilia Romagna region, as stipulated in the tender awarded last year to Trenitalia and Emilia Romagna Passenger Transport (TPER).
Trenitalia in 2015 has seen a growing number of travelers (+ 1.5%) along with punctuality, regularity and comfort. Punctuality has improved by 3% compared to 2014, reaching a percentage of 89.2% of trains arrived in time or within five minutes.
To date Trenitalia has renewed the Public Service Obligation Contract in nine regions and two autonomous provinces. Investments in new trains are intended to reduce the average age of trains (now 21 years old) and ensuring a better quality of service. Since 2009 Trenitalia has invested 3.5 billion Euros in self-financing for the purchase of 571 locomotives , 63 Vivalto, 204 Minuet. From here to 2018 will be delivered 29 locomotives, 122 carriages and other Vivalto 134 trains between Swing, Jazz and Flirt.
Rete Ferroviaria Italiana is also engaged, with projects aimed at improving the integration with other modes of transport, to render stations more and more accessible to all travelers, a goal that involves a network of 500 stations of the national network.
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