South African rail operator Transnet and China South Rail (CSR) have completed the construction of the first batch of 95 electric locomotives.
A total of 85 of these locomotives were built in Transnet’s engineering and manufacturing facilities in Koedeospoort, while the remaining ten were built at CSR’s manufacturing facilities in China.
“The purchase and building of the locomotives is part of Transnet’s more than ZAR 300 billion commitment to invest in South Africa’s transport and logistics infrastructure, the Market Demand Strategy,” Jacob Zuma, President of South Africa, said.
“For Transnet, the drive to modernise the fleet is aimed at improving reliability of service and customer satisfaction. For governments, this is a significant step towards our crucial goal of moving cargo from road to rai,” explained Zuma.
The acquisition of 95 electric locomotives is part of Transnet’s long-term fleet renewal programme aimed at increasing volumes while reducing the average age of its locomotive fleet.
We remind that in March 2014, Transnet announced the signing of contracts for the purchase of 1064 Diesel and electric locomotives, in an amount of ZAR 50 billion (USD 4.2 billion). One year after this announcement, Transnet succeeded to secure funding of ZAR 13 billion (USD 1.1 billion) for the purchase program. For locomotive acquisitions, the company signed an agreement with Bombardier and with China South Rail Zhuzhou Electric Locomotive for 599 de electric locomotives, while for 465 Diesel locomotives Transnet signed an agreement with General Electric and China North Rail Rolling Stock.
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