The need for more efficient and cost-effective ways to transport freight is becoming a priority since international economic relations are intensifying. Maritime freight transport is both costly and time consuming, while the alternatives provided by road and air cannot cope with the vast quantities that need to be transported, not to mention the costs involved.
The best alternative is represented by rail, since long distances can be covered at acceptable costs while at the same time being able to manage large quantities of goods. But this in itself is no easy task and cannot be considered a walk in the park. Strict and operative policies and strategies have to be implemented in order to ensure the efficiency of transport and there is a snowball effect of factors that need to be taken into consideration.
Rolling stock acquisition and the modernisation of the fleet in order to meet the exigent requirements of the clients and the market itself is a must, since trains will have to be adapted and built in such a way that they will not only be more resistant but also faster. This in turn leads to the infrastructure capacity that has to be adapted and increased in order to be able to handle longer and heavier trains that would travel for extended distances. Another equally important aspect is the standardisation of the rail gauge since many countries still tend to use their own systems. Standard international rail services guarantee a quicker and more efficient transport by avoiding the many stops along the way that are necessary to make the transfer to and from the various gauges.
These are just a few of the insights that our dedicated readers will find in the Rail freight and logistics market chapter of the Railway Pro 365 – Yearly Market Report.
The other topics that will be tackled in the Rail freight and logistics market chapter are:
‣ Strategies and policies for freight transport
‣ Block train services
‣ Dedicated lines for rail transport
‣ Transcontinental rail services
‣ Single wagon load
‣ Shunting and Feeder Services
‣ Multimodality
The Railway Pro 365 – Yearly Market Report will be presented at InnoTrans 2016, the Railway Pro Investment Summit as well as other worldwide prestigious events!
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