During September 6-8, 2010, the International Association of Public Transport (UITP) organised the first event held in the Eurasian region, more precisely in Moscow. During this event, the “Moscow Declaration” was signed, which calls on the national and local decision-makers to increase awareness on public transportation.
The Eurasian Congress and Exhibition “ExpoCityTrans 2010”, which welcomed over 2.000 exhibitors, was aimed at supporting the business sector and the development of new projects.
Ever since UITP created the “Eurasian Division” in 2007, the number of projects increased significantly. Large Eurasian cities are now realizing the crucial role of public transportation, in terms of citizen mobility and economic growth. In this region, UITP plans to act as a knowledge centre in addressing the issues that cities in Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, Russia, Ukraine and Uzbekistan are currently facing. In order to improve development in these cities, the key-projects reside in the implementation of favourable measures for operators, involving the authorities in financing projects and elaborating laws which allow the supply of efficient and safe transport services, as well as supporting companies in the industry to create new business opportunities.
According to UITP studies developed in several Eurasian countries, for every rouble or euro invested in public transportation, the return on investment is of 4/1 (1 rouble/euro invested brings 4 roubles/euros for the economy). This sector has become more attractive for investors as an instrument for economic growth. For instance, we can mention here the construction of the Myakinino underground station in Moscow. This was the first project in the history of the Russian public transportation that was implemented using only private funds. The development of the urban and suburban bus network, the extension of the underground lines in Saint Petersburg and Novosibirsk, as well as the extension of the tram network in Ekaterinburg show the increasing interest in developing the business sector and represent proof of the ambitious projects developed in the Eurasian region.
There is no doubt that the Eurasian economies are recovering after a long period of crisis. This recovery is supported by the international and European financial institutions. In this context, it is necessary to make new investments for the development of public transportation. On the short-term, these investments will be used to finance infrastructure maintenance and development; on the long-term, they will generate new conditions necessary for the development of the entire transport sector and for economic growth.
The “Moscow Declaration” signed by UITP Secretary General Hans Rat, Dmitry Gaev, General Manager of the Moscow underground company and Peter Ivanov, General Manager of Mosgortrans, is addressed to the authorities that have responsibilities in developing urban mobility. The decision-makers should “approach all the necessary measures in order to maintain a reliable transport system; they should also consider the development of urban transport networks. This is what they should do; they shouldn’t abandon these programs and leave them for the future”, shows the document.
The Declaration entitled “Public transport-the moving force for the economic development of cities” presents a series of reasons for which urban transport is crucial for the society, mobility and environment. Also, urban transport cannot be developed without “proper funding and it needs financial support from loans and public-private partnerships. Companies need to have transparency in their relation with the authorities and they should face the challenged imposed by the business sector”, shows the document.
by Pamela Luică
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