The design of Rail Baltica guidelines started

RB Rail has commenced the development of architectural, landscaping and visual identity guidelines for the railway infrastructure elements of Rail Baltica line, a process that will last for 35 weeks. The guidelines will be developed by an Italian company 3TI Progetti in a partnership with SBS Engineering Group.
“Rail Baltica project is a public infrastructure project that connects three countries. These three countries have a common history, but they also have a specific identity. And purpose of this architectural guidelines is to connect these three counties having a common language and at the same time emphasize the single identity of each country,” Michele Amerio, Technical Director at 3TI Progetti said.
The guidelines will provide harmonised solutions for the design of stations, railway bridges, signage, noise barriers, animal passages and other structures to be applied in further development of Rail Baltica. Those solutions will be economically and technically feasible, standardized and innovative to be used during the design and ultimately – construction of the Rail Baltica line and infrastructure objects. In addition, the guidelines will set out the accessibility requirements for people with limited mobility as well as public safety requirements.
The contractor will work closely with extensive number of stakeholder groups such as architects, landscape and interior architects, spatial planners, universities, railway administrators and municipalities in all three Baltic States to capture their expertise and to identify their expectations regarding the visual appearance of the Rail Baltica infrastructure.
An integral part of the guidelines will be benchmarking of conditions and concepts applied to materials, solutions, design and construction processes in similar best-in-class railway infrastructure projects.
The guidelines will be used in the design and construction phase of the Rail Baltica line and infrastructure objects.

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