The City of Tampere has selected Tralli, a consortium comprising Pöyry, VR Track and YIT, to carry out a light rail project. The project is to be implemented employing the alliance model, whereby the client, engineers and contractors work jointly in the execution.
The light rail system will be constructed in the busiest part of the Tampere public transport system, from the city centre to Sampola. In Sampola, the line will split into two lines, with one line leading to the University of Tampere and the other to the Hervanta area.
The 23.5 kilometre line covered by the project will contain 23 to 25 stops. The cost estimate for the project is approximately EUR 250 million.
The development phase of the project will begin in July 2015. Pöyry and VR Track will be jointly responsible for all engineering both in the development phase and the implementation. After the development phase, separate decisions will be made on the start of the implementation phase during which VR Track and YIT will be in charge of the construction. If the implementation will be started, the light rail system is to be completed in two parts, in 2019 and 2023.
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