Sydney Metro Northwest to be opened in May

Sydney Metro’s Metro Northwest section will be opened on 26 May, linking Tallawong Station in Rouse Hill and Chatswood. 13 railway stations serve the Metro North West Line, of which 8 are new metro stations and 5 upgraded stations.
The AUD 8.3 billion (USD 5.8 billion) 36-km Sydney Metro Northwest is the first stage of city’s metro system and in the same time is Australia’s first fully driverless metro system. The trains completed the 180,000 km trials, including high speed tests on the skytrain, calibrating the system with the platform screen doors.
Metro Trains Sydney will run the new metro trains every four minutes at peak times at full operational mode in the North West, that’s 15 trains an hour each way, with the ability to run even more in the future. Sydney Metro will be operated by 22 six-car Metropolis trains, supplied by Alstom.

The final trials

Until the opening day, Sydney Metro and the operator of the Metro North West Line, Metro Trains Sydney (MTS), will run the trains to the schedule which is planned for when the line opens, and will carry out final checks and refinements to the system.
Along the Sydney Metro North West Line there will be over 4,000 car parking spaces, 138 Kiss and Ride spaces, 588 bike storage spaces and 80 taxi stands.

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