Transport for New South Wales unveiled the design of CBD and South East Light Rail of Sydney. The light rail stops will each feature bronze canopies to provide protection from the elements, seating, integrated and convenient ticketing and electronic systems and will be crafted from materials that reflect Sydney’s civic tradition. Grimshaw Architects have designed the light rail stops. The first stop is expected to be built on Alison Road in Randwick over the coming months.
“We’ve had specialist architects design each stop along the route and we can see today, that along with our vehicles, when light rail is operating in 2019, Sydney will be a world-class leader when it comes to seamlessly integrating public transport into our urban environment. The stops have each been designed to suit individual locations and complement their surrounds such as heritage buildings, local built and natural environments while ensuring they are fully accessible and user friendly,” Andrew Constance, Transport Minister said.
The CBD and South East Light Rail is a new light rail network for Sydney, currently under construction. The 12 km route will feature 19 stops, extending from Circular Quay along George Street to Central Station, through Surry Hills to Moore Park, then to Kensington and Kingsford via Anzac Parade and Randwick via Alison Road and High Street. Construction will be completed and services will start running in 2019.
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