SBB’s investment in Swiss Post’s subsidiary SwissSign AG was recently given the green light by the Competition Commission (COMCO) and the EU Commission. Through this joint venture, Swiss Post and SBB plan to provide a uniform digital identity for private individuals, companies and authorities in Switzerland by autumn 2017.
Customers wishing to purchase products and services online currently have to register on a provider’s website, enter their details and choose a username and password. Many users have to repeat this procedure for a number of online services. Swiss Post and SBB are therefore launching a standardized digital identity (Swiss e-ID) in autumn 2017. This solution will enable users to access various online services using a single secure login in future. Authorities and companies will benefit from the identity’s improved quality, allowing them to expand their online services securely and to make them more efficient.
The uniform digital identity will be developed and marketed by the joint venture – SwissSign AG – in which Swiss Post and SBB will each hold 50% of the share capital. The digital identity will be made available to initial Swiss Post portal customers in autumn 2017. It will then be rolled out to SwissPass customers from 2018. The solution will also be available to authorities and companies in autumn 2017.
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