Sweco wins contract for Uppsala-Stockholm track expansion

four tracks Uppsala

Swedish Transport Administration, Trafikverket, awarded Sweco a SEK 400 million (EUR 34.48 million) contract for consulting services for the development of East Coast Line through Four tracks Uppsala project between Uppsala and Stockholm.

The contract, which will run from 2024 until 2035, will comprise project planning in railways, roads and road structures, building construction, architecture, water and sewage as well as consulting in environmental and digital solutions.

Sweco’s contract comprises preparing construction documents and tender documentation for two new rail tracks, new grade-separated crossings and a new station in Bergsbrunna for the new stretch of the East Coast Line running from Uppsala Central Station to the new station in Bergsbrunna. At the same time, Uppsala Central Station will be expanded to accommodate more trains and passengers.

The aim of the development of the Four tracks Uppsala project is to meet the increased need for sustainable passenger and freight transport in the area between Uppsala and Stockholm.

The project covers the construction of 23 km double-track mainline linking the two counties (Uppsala and Stockholm) and three municipalities (Uppsala, Knivsta and Sigtuna). Under the project, two new travel hubs (Bergsbrunna in Uppsala, Alsike in Knivsta) will be built.

The construction is planned to commence in 2026 on the north stretch and in 2028 on the south stretch.

The regions around Uppsala and Stockholm are growing rapidly and the two-track railway that connects the cities today has reached maximum capacity both for passenger traffic and for freight. To increase the capacity and punctuality of rail traffic, the Swedish Transport Administration has been commissioned by the government to complete a comprehensive expansion of the line.

The Swedish Transport Administration has been commissioned by the government to investigate an expansion with two additional tracks and new stations on the route between Uppsala Central Station and the county border with Stockholm.

Four tracks Uppsala provides the conditions for sustainable passenger and freight transport. The region is growing and both regional trains, long-distance trains and freight trains will have the opportunity to increase their frequency on the existing railway. When two tracks become four, more trains can run more frequently and punctually.

A track expansion makes it possible to handle commuter rail traffic and long-distance traffic separately, and thus new stations along the route can also be built, which is in line with the municipalities’ planning.

The East Coast Line runs between Sundsvall and Stockholm and plays an important role in linking the regions of Sweden. The line between Uppsala and Stockholm is one of the busiest in the country, largely due to commuting between Uppsala and the capital region as well as travel to Arlanda Airport. The East Coast Line is also an important link for freight traffic.

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