Stadler wins its first Flirt contract in Iberian Peninsula

Flirt regional trainsPortugal’s state-owned railway company Comboios de Portugal (CP) and Stadler have signed a EUR 158 million contract for the supply of 22 Flirt regional trains. The contract includes the provision of the maintenance services for at least four years and training services.

The contract includes the manufacture and delivery of 10 electric multiple units and 12 bimodal multiple units (BMU) of the Flirt type.

The EMU fleet will be 63.2m-long and will be designed to run at speeds of 160 km/h. The BMUs will be 74.4m-long each and will run at speeds of 140 km/h depending on the power source used.

They consist of three aluminium car-bodies with a maximum capacity for 375 passengers, 214 of them seated.

Stadler has paid particular attention on optimising vehicle accessibility, enabling step-free access from platforms of different heights for all passengers, also for people with limited mobility. The trains also have areas reserved for wheelchairs, pushchairs and bikes.

Vending machines can be installed on board to enhance the passenger experience. Additionally, the Flirt trains will have Wi-Fi which enables passengers to access operator content as well as multimedia content. An advanced passenger information system further contributes to a great travel experience.

The twelve bimodal Flirt (BMU) trains are equipped with an additional drive module, which includes the diesel-electric drive, which enables the operation on the non-electrified lines. Thanks to their modular design, a possible future refitting from bimodal to purely electric drive or the replacement of the diesel generators with batteries are simplified, depending on the railway operator’s needs. Furthermore, 95 per cent of the material used is recyclable.

“We are proud that our FLIRT has been selected for the renewal of the regional train fleet. The Portuguese market is extremely important for Stadler. We are happy that we can contribute to the modernization of the Portuguese railway industry,” Ansgar Brockmeyer, sales director at Stadler said.

This is the first time that Stadler’s Flirt regional trains will be used for passenger service on the Iberian Peninsula’s 1,668mm-gauge railway network.



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