Sri Lanka prepares USD 2.5 billion tenders

railSri Lanka intends to launch international tenders for its first urban railway project that will connect the centre of the capital city Colombo to its suburbs.
The 30 km rail project is likely to begin in 2019.
According to Sri Lanka’s Board of Investment chairman Upul Jayasuriya that the government is planning either monorails or metro for the project, which is estimated to cost USD 2.5 billion.
Jayasuriya was on a visit to Japan to consult with the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) on a feasibility study, and attract Japanese companies to the project.
Earlier this year, the JICA completed a feasibility study on the introduction of urban railways in Sri Lanka. Interested consortiums or companies have been notified to submit their bids, which will be accepted by the end of this month.
The eligible parties should be capable of carrying out civil engineering work, delivering railway signalling systems, and operating trains.

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