Slovenian Ministry of Infrastructure and ISKRA – CAF Signalling consortium signed a contract for the refurbishment of the signalling and safety systems between the Zidani Most and Sentilj stations on the Slovenian border with Austria.
The project includes the design, installation, testing and commissioning of the signalling equipment and systems, replacing the old ISKRA relay interlocks with the CAF Signalling electronic interlocks.
The contract relates to a section of track which extends for 117 km and includes 17 stations, marking one of the largest investments made in rail signalling in Slovenia in recent years.
This is part of the strategic plan of the government to renovate the main lines in the country. The purpose of this plan is to improve both the safety and capacity of the line, in addition to train regularity and frequency whilst reducing maintenance costs.
The awarded contract is part of the project on the deployment of ERTMS/ETCS on the Dobova-Zidani Most and Pragersko-Maribor-Šentilj railway lines. The total value of this project is EUR 7.5 million, of which EUR 6.37 million is covered by the CEF. The project envisages the deployment of and upgrade to ECTCS Level 1 Baseline 3 on the railway sections from the state border with Croatia-Dobova-Zidani Most and Pragersko-Maribor-Sentilj-State border with Austria. The deployment will cover 73 km of double track and 17 km of single-track lines or equivalent to 81.5 km double track lines.
The ERTMS/ETCS deployment project is part of the Slovenian strategy to improve the efficiency of the railway sector by developing technical interoperability according to TEN-T policy.
Once the project is completed, all transport sections of the Trans-European Core Network in Slovenia will be equipped with ETCS Level 1, enabling interoperability on both Baltic-Adriatic and on the Mediterranean corridors.
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