To the company SIXENSE SOLDATA SAS it was assigned the contract for “Monitoring after completion of construction works of the underground metro of the negative effects on the neighboring buildings for the Metro line 4, Connection 2, Section Bazilescu Park (PS Zarea) – Straulesti Lake.
The objective of the contract is monitoring of the induced effects of the functioning underground trains on the route, effects on the neighboring buildings of the Metro line 4, Connection 2, Section Bazilescu Park (PS Zarea) – Straulesti Lake, after the completion of the construction works and operation of the underground metro with travelers. The contract term is 19.5 months.
The activity of SIXENSE SOLDATA takes place in more than 20 countries, with over 600 professionals available for its clients and on the Romanian market, SIXENSE SOLDATA has been present for over 8 years. Eight years in which they revolutionized the field of geotechnical and structural risk monitoring.
The main mission of SIXENSE GROUP is to support the designers, builders and developers and to offer them solutions to overcome their most important challenges:
· Geotechnical and structural monitoring based on risk management;
· Project management in construction;
· Asset Lifecycle Management.
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