Singapore’s Land Transport Authority (LTA) announced its plans to construct a new train testing centre (ITTC) to perform integrated systems testing for all new and existing MRT lines.
Within the next few months, LTA will call a contract to design and build the ITTC. This will comprise an endurance loop test track, a performance and integration loop test track, a straight high-speed test track and other supporting track facilities. Other facilities such as offices, an operations control centre, a maintenance workshop and a refurbishment workshop will also be included in the scope of work. Construction of the ITTC is expected to start in mid-2020.
The 50-hectares center, which will be located at the former Raffles Country Club site, will be equipped to robustly test trains and other core railways systems (electrical, mechanical and signalling systems) around the clock, without affecting passenger services on the main lines.

The ITTC will also serve as a testing ground for the local rail industry to evaluate new railway infrastructure, develop proofs-of-concept, as well as conduct research and development into railway technologies.
“The ITTC allows for robust testing of our trains and integrated systems before they are deployed on operational lines. This approach frees up precious engineering hours for other activities, such as railway maintenance, and reduces the need for future Early Closures and Late Openings. In addition, LTA will be able to speed up the diagnosis and rectification of faults with the ITTC, as troubleshooting can now be done locally,” LTA Deputy Chief Executive, Chua Chong Kheng, said.
The ITTC will support ongoing efforts to renew, upgrade and expand the rail network. It is expected to enhance rail reliability, while freeing up limited engineering hours and reducing the need for line closures. The facility will start receiving trains for Circle Line 6 around end-2022.
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