Semmering Base Tunnel: Contract for technical tunnel equipment awarded

The contract for the technical equipment for the Semmering Base Tunnel has been awarded. Work will start in summer 2025 after the tunnel excavations have been completed.

An important milestone for the next major construction phase has been finalized in the Semmering Base Tunnel project.

After intensive examination of the offers submitted as part of an EU-wide tender, the contract has been contractually awarded to the best bidder.

Semmering Base Tunnel: EUR 176 million contract

A consortium consisting of the Rhomberg Sersa Rail Group and the PORR Group has been awarded the EUR 176 million contract.

The consortium will plan and implement all of the technical equipment in the two tubes of the Semmering Base Tunnel.

The contract includes the installation of all of the railway equipment, including all of the cabling, all of the technical equipment and all of the safety devices required to operate the tunnel.

Tuunelling work to start in summer 2025

Preparations for construction will begin immediately. Work in the tunnel is scheduled to start in summer 2025 and be fully completed in spring 2029.

The last phase before the tunnel is put into operation will be test and training runs in the finished tunnel so that the Semmering Base Tunnel can go into operation in 2030.

The tunnel excavation work is now in its final stages. Less than 300 m still have to be dug in the Gloggnitz section, 99% of the 27.3 km have been completed.

In addition, more than 35 km of the concrete inner shell – out of a total of almost 55 km in the two tunnel tubes together – have already been erected.

“We are on a very good path. With this major contract award, intensive preparations are now beginning for the last construction phase before the tunnel is put into operation,” Project manager Gerhard Gobiet said.

The Southern Route

ÖBB-Infrastruktur AG is currently working on more than 100 large and small projects along the southern route, part of the Baltic-Adriatic Corridor.

200 kilometers of railway line are being modernized, 170 kilometers are being newly built. 80 km of new tunnels and 150 new bridges are being built.

Over 5,000 people are working on it. Once the projects are completed, the trains will rush from Vienna to Klagenfurt in 2 hours 40 minutes, and from Graz to Klagenfurt in 45 minutes.

They will pass many new stations over a total of 470 km and cross two mountains – the Semmering and the Koralpe – at high speeds.

The southern route project includes:

  • the northern line expansion,
  • the Vienna-Bratislava expansion,
  • the new Vienna main station,
  • the Vienna South freight center,
  • the expansion of the Pottendorf line,
  • the construction of the Semmering base tunnel, e
  • ight modernized stations on the way from Bruck to Graz,
  • the modernized Graz main station
  • 130 kilometers of new Koralmbahn.

Together they create the conditions for future-oriented passenger and freight transport.

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