Second stage of driverless tram project begins in Moscow

Russian driverless tramRussian driverless tram project enters the second phase now these vehicles running with passengers in test mode in Moscow.

In the second stage, the driverless system takes full control, including opening and closing doors. A driver will be present in the cab to oversee and ensure the tram’s actions. An onboard screen will display key performance indicators of various systems for monitoring and transparency. The trips on the route No. 10 will be performed both with and without passengers.

In 2023, the Moscow Metro established a Driverless Transport Research and Development Center, bringing together top developers and mathematicians from leading IT companies such as Nvidia, Huawei, Siemens, and Yandex.

The Centre’s innovative driverless tram technology is designed around the Lvyonok-Moskva tram model, which is equipped with the latest driverless driving equipment, including four lidars, six cameras, and three radars.

The software, based on artificial intelligence technology, was developed in-house by the Moscow Government, making it a unique European innovation that outperforms foreign counterparts in terms of precision and reliability.

The launch of Russian driverless tram programme comprises of three stages. The first stage, which took place from May to August 2024 focused on testing the driverless tram without passengers. A driver and a system that duplicated the driver’s actions were onboard, where the system facilitated the tram’s movement, but the driver made the final decisions.

During this phase, the driverless tram covered more than 800 km on route No. 10, from Schukinskaya metro station to Kulakova Street. Numerous tests were conducted to verify the reliability of the systems in maintaining a set speed and navigating curvilinear sections; passing through track switches; detecting various obstacles’ stopping at designated points and performing emergency braking.

The first stage concluded successfully, with no traffic violations recorded. All systems were thoroughly checked, confirming that both the tram and its software were fully prepared for passenger travel.

By the final stage, expected to be completed by the end of 2025, the tram is set to operate autonomously with passengers and without a driver at controls. A specialist may be present in the cab or the passenger area to visually monitor the tram’s operations and perform other necessary functions.


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