Shift2Rail Joint Undertaking (S2R JU) and the International Union of Railways (UIC) signed a Memorandum of Understanding to support rail innovation solutions pioneered by Shift2Rail to enhance rail competitiveness.
“This agreement between our two organisations is very important for us, as it strengthens our ongoing collaboration and paves the way for deeper cooperation. The objective is to boost the competitiveness of the railway sector by accelerating the market uptake of innovative solutions and enhancing the economic benefits. Two excellent examples of our cooperation are the ongoing work on telecommunications and standardisation of Future Railway Mobile Communication Systems [FRMCS], and the support for a railway system data modelling,”Carlo Borghini, the Executive Director of Shift2Rail said.
The agreement was signed on July 8 at the UIC General Assembly in Paris.
“Improving and deepening our collaboration with S2R is a key milestone for UIC. Our members are more and more implied in delivering together within S2R JU a shared vision of the railway system of the future, both in terms of general architecture and of specific innovations. UIC as the technical body of the sector is the forum where our members are joining forces on key subjects such as telecoms, ticketing, digital platforms, etc. Close collaboration with S2R will help to ascertain that railways are ready for delivering the zero emission backbone of mobility that our citizens desire,” the Director General of UIC, François Davenne, said.
The objective of the MoU is to promote cooperation between UIC and the S2R JU to support the structured implementation of Shift2Rail’s solutions, and to deliver a functional system approach that is suited to the operational needs of the sector and, in particular, the final users.
Shift2Rail is tasked with developing strategically focused R&I activities and market-driven solutions which will support an integrated and developed rail system to meet future demands and tackle the challenges.
The institution is actively involved to bring to light rail innovation solutions which will ensure the attractiveness of rail as a safe and sustainable low carbon transport mode. EUR 920 million coming from the European Union under the Horizon 2020 programme will support the development of new technologies which will shape the future of railways.
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