The president of Russian Railways Oleg Belozerov and the CEO of China Railways Sheng Guangji have signed an agreement on comprehensive strategic cooperation. Under the agreement, both parties expressed their mutual interest in implementing projects jointly in the framework of the Eurasian Economic Union and the Silk Road Economic Belt. According to the document, the parties will contribute to the active development of international transport corridors (ITCs) passing through Russia and China, as well as other countries, as part of a balanced development of the infrastructure along the national sections of the corridors and improve the technical characteristics of the railway lines with the aim of increasing train speeds and ensuring the smooth and uninterrupted passage of future freight traffic.
Russian Railways and Chinese Railways also agreed to take the necessary measures to optimise the conditions and technology of international container traffic, including organising regular container trains running to a timetable and facilitating the transportation of postal deliveries and e-commerce freight between China – Russia and China – Europe.
In addition, the parties expressed their intention to improve the safety and security system of shipments and electronic data interchange for international rail shipments and to expand the network of terminal and storage facilities along the main routes.
Russian Railways and China Railways also agreed to contribute to the realization of the Eurasian high-speed Moscow – Beijing corridor and the implement the construction project to build the Moscow – Kazan HSR as a priority project on this corridor.
The document also provides for cooperation on science, technology and innovation, as well as on training railway staff.
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