The overall objective of the project is the rehabilitation of railway infrastructure and superstructure for passenger train traffic at maximum speeds of 160 km/h.
CFR SA appointed the Astaldi SpA – FCC Construccion SA – Salcef Construzioni Edili e Ferroviarie SpA – Thales Systems Romania association as the winner consortium of the public tender procedure for rehabilitation to the standards required for European corridors of subsection Km 614 – Bârzava (subsection 2 a) located on the TEN-T 22 (Pan-European Corridor IV) Nuremberg-Prague-Vienna-Budapest-Curtici-Simeria-Brasov- Bucharest and Constanța Priority Axis.
The value of the contract is EUR 374 million.
The project includes embankments and consolidation works on approximately 45 km, the construction of 13 new bridges (including 2 over Mures River), modernisation of 39 bridges, civil works for five railway stations (including flag-stations and stops), and electrification and energy supply works and ERTMS deployment works (ETCS level 2 + GSMR) on the whole subsection.
By implementing this project, CFR SA will ensure the technical conditions for the movement of passenger and freight trains at speeds of up to 160 km/h for passenger trains and 120 km/h for freight trains and will increase rail traffic comfort and safety.
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