The relaunch of intermodal transport in Romania has a major importance for maximising the use of freight transport infrastructure, currently not fully exploited (railway transport and river transport on the Danube), attracting freight using intermodal solutions for the transport market in Romania, supporting the development of efficient logistics corridors (green corridors) via Romania to Central and Eastern Europe and for reducing external cost in Europe (for example, CO2 emissions).
In January 2012, the Romanian Government approved a Memorandum signed by the Romanian Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure and the Romanian Mi-nistry of Economy and Trade on Creating an interministerial structure to ensure the general management of the Interministerial Programme “Logistics Centre for Re-Export in Central and Eastern Europe”. A first objective of the programme is creating a platform for the communication of logistics and re-export opportunities in Central and Eastern Europe used for attracting foreign companies and investments in developing production activities, assembling/reassembling and foreign trade in and via Romania to permit the improvement of foreign perception on the Romanian trade and re-export solutions, boosting Romania’s trade balance and increasing the absorption of EU funds.
The second objective is turning into account the competitive position of the transport infrastructure in Romania so as to increase the market share of intermodal transport as solution for door-to-door transport that will help increase Romania’s level of accessibility by decongesting national roads and shifting more freight to railways, improving the qua-lity and efficiency of services, relaunching intermodal traffic, reducing the effects of the economic crisis, greenhouse gas emissions and environmental impact to the minimum.
The development of the regional centre in Recaş (Timişoara) is one of the priority projects for relaunching intermodal transport. The project was debated during the Conference “Efficient freight railway transport for better logistics services”, held in April 2012 in Constanţa and organised by Club Feroviar and the Romanian Railway Industry Association (AIF). The feasibility study was approved at the beginning of April 2012 and will be developed with EU funds within the SOP-T.
According to Romania’s Intermodal Transport Strategy, adopted in 2011, main intermodal terminals to be developed are located in Bucharest, Constanţa and Timişoara, and main river-maritime projects are the arrangement of Argeş and Dâmboviţa rivers and the finalization of Danube-Bucharest Channel.

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