RB Rail is searching for cableway components supplier

cableway componentsRB Rail has launched the first tender for a consolidated material framework procurement for the supply of the cableway components. The EUR 46 million contract covers the supply of the cableway components and materials, including multi ducts, cable ducts, cable channels, manholes and other supporting components for the construction of the Rail Baltica railway main line in the Baltics States.

The final date of the submission of the applications for the consolidated material procurement is expected by May 31st, 2021.

It is estimated that pre-fabricated cableway elements for the entire railway line could amount to 7,000 km of cable ducts, 7,000 pieces of cable manholes and covers, and 300 km of surface cable channels.

“A project of the scale of Rail Baltica provides the opportunity to achieve major benefits from carrying our procurements for common materials and components for use across the whole 870 km of the railway. We are delighted to launch the first of many tenders for these consolidated procurements. We hope that suppliers will recognise the scale of this opportunity and provide strong tenders for this and upcoming tenders”, Mark Loader, RB Rail AS Chief Program Officer said.

Prior to arranging the public procurement, RB Rail AS carried out in 2019 a supplier market study for railway infrastructure components with the purpose to get additional insights on the main benefits from the centralised component supply thus allowing to benefit from the economies of scale.

“This is a significant step in the fast progressing implementation of the Rail Baltica project as part of a procurement programme for the range of materials and components to be rolled out in 2021. We expect many good proposals from across the industry and countries and believe that this is a great opportunity for suppliers, providing much needed trust into business continuity during these difficult economic times,” Head of Procurement Department of RB Rail AS, Kristjan Piirsalu said.

The focus of the Rail Baltica global project in 2021 will be the start of a large-scale construction works in all Baltic countries. Public tenders of railway materials and components are being prepared in the near future.


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