RATB could manufacture a new Bucur tram

bucurDuring the first reunion of Bucharest General Council for 2016-2020, general Mayor Gabriela Firea announced that one of the important projects to be implemented includes the allocation of EUR 7.3 million to public transport operator RATB.
This amount will be used to “buy spares, repair the air-conditioning and other technical requirements of Bucharest buses”.
hotnews.ro says that, according to the draft decision on budget rectification, RATB funds will be used for the construction of a new Bucur tram, the modernisation of 10 RATB trams and the procurement of double-decked buses.
RON 4.5 million of the total amount will be allocated to the tram construction project, while RON 4.7 million will go to the procurement of four double-decked buses.

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