Russia’s Railway Transport Development Strategy 2030 stipulates a significant extension of the railway network, high-speed development and the creation of a logistics network that will facilitate railway freight traffic between Europe and Asia. Also, infrastructure extension will ensure territorial integrity, reduce regional differences and boost economy.Russia’s Railway Transport Development Strategy is the first document elaborated on long-term and it stipulates the complex development of the railway transport system. At state level, proper conditions will be created on a long-term for infrastructure project development, which will support the unity of the transport system and also generate economic growth. At regional level, this strategy will boost economic and social development, create new work places and increase the population’s mobility level and standard of living.The implementation of the 2030 Strategy will create for investors a proper investment climate for viable projects related to transport and industry. For manufacturers and railway service/product suppliers, the implementation of this strategy will help expand activities and business and also consolidate long-term cooperation.
The matter concerning the development of railway transport between Europe and Asia is increasing in importance at international level and the Asia-Pacific region, especially China, has a high growth potential despite the global recession. Stimulating trade within the borders of the European Union remains a priority. In this context, Russia plays a major role as a transport bridge linking Europe and Asia. One of the priorities stipulated in Russia’s Railway Transport Development Strategy is the integration of the Eurasian transport system. In order to reach this target, Russian Railways (RZD) has elaborated several measures: increasing the role of Russia’s railway network on the global market, consolidating RZD’s level of competitiveness compared to the other modes of transport and to the other railway companies, ensuring a safe and efficient transport system.
Massive investments in network extension
According to the development strategy, the extension of the railway network will take place in two stages. The first stage involves a period of modernisation until 2015, in order to ensure the necessary transport capacity on major routes. Aside from modernisation, the existing infrastructure will be renewed and a document will be elaborated concerning network extension and the construction of high-speed lines. The first stage also includes the upgrade and implementation of technical systems on the main railway lines. By 2015, Russia plans to build new railway lines for freight transport. This will lead to the development of new industrial areas. Approximately 13,800 km of rail will be modernised for heavy-haul transport.
“The construction of these lines will provide us with a real opportunity to carry containers from the Far East to the Western borders in only seven days. This will create a real competitiveness in the region”, said RZD President Vladimir Yakunin, during the 1520 Forum. The second stage concerns the extension of the railway network during 2016 – 2030. This will lead to the development of the necessary infrastructure to boost economy in Russia. To that end, there are two versions of this strategy: the construction of 16,017 km of new railway routes and the construction of 20,730 km of rail by 2030. The intense development of railway transport requires significant financial resources. That is why RZD should develop a long-term investment strategy for the allocation of USD 450 Billion by 2030. In 2009, RZD’s investment programme had a value of USD 8.76 Billion. For the second half of 2010, USD 1.44 Billion will be allocated for the rehabilitation and modernisation of railway bridges.
“In order to finalize these projects, around 30% of the funds will come from privatisations as well as other operations, but we still need another USD 10 Billion. At least 1/3 of the investments will be used for infrastructure upgrade”, stated Yakunin for the central press.
3 systematic programmes for high-speed lines
In regards to the construction of high-speed lines, the Russian railway system aims at being competitive with air and road transport. That is why railway transport has to be efficient and attract a high number of passengers, in order to increase the financial level and also reduce the environmental impact. The financial system has to be applied in a way in which it can provide sufficient funds for project implementation. Projects will benefit both from state aid and private sector funding. In regards to the “high-speed network”, the development strategy establishes three pillars: 1. speed increase for long-distance trains and acquiring efficient rolling stock; 2. rehabilitation of the existing lines in order to allow trains to run at a speed of 200 km/h; 3. construction of very high-speed lines – St. Petersburg- Moscow, Moscow-Nizhny Novgorod (which may become operational in the summer of 2010) and Moscow-Smolensk-Krasnoe. These lines are part of the International Transport Corridor and they may be extended towards the European Union.
“We want these high-speed lines to attract many passengers. However, we are currently focusing on major routes. RZD is elaborating studies and tests and the first results have reached their purpose. We have to continue to improve the quality of passenger transport and also implement the newest technologies in the field, including cooperation with foreign partners”, said Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin during a meeting with RZD officials.
Based on the “minimal” scenario, the investments necessary for the implementation of the development strategy in the sector of high-speed transport amount to USD 19 Billion.’ The implementation of these projects will require the development and implementation of a new legal framework, as well as a new technical regulation in the railway field.
Russia’s high-speed system proved to be a success. According to RZD’s latest statistics, railway transport on the St. Petersburg-Moscow route is competing with air transport. In January 2010, over 77.000 passengers travelled by train. In 2007, the rehabilitation and upgrade works on St. Petersburg-Helsinki high-speed line began on the Russian section. In the fall of 2010, this line will become operational. The number of passengers travelling on this line is expected to triple within 5 years after the introduction of the transport service. “Passengers will choose railway transport to the detriment of the other modes of transport, not only air and bus transport. In the future, even automobile drivers will be more attracted by train travel”, said Antti Jaatinen, general manager of passenger transport operator VR, during a conference focused on railway transport.
More focus on transport corridors at global level
In order to ensure a safe, efficient and viable transport system and to increase competition, the development strategy stipulates another priority: the development of international corridors. Russia plans to create a logistics network that will facilitate transport services between Europe and Asia. This project will boost trade between Europe, Russia, CIS and Asia-Pacific and also facilitate the development of intermodal transport. On the East-West axis, Russia is continuing the development works on the Trans-Siberian route in order to constantly increase service quality. To that end, in order to simplify customs procedures, a series of measures were taken in terms of implementing new technologies, especially IT systems and a new legal framework. For instance, the implementation of a freight customs declaration system reduced border stationing from more than 5 days to several hours. Another major freight transport corridor involves the Europe-Korea and Japan-North-East China axis. The development of this transit route depends on the rehabilitation of the Trans-Korean route, thus completing a direct rail link between Europe and South Korea. An alternative to maritime transport is the international corridor on the North-South axis, which links Europe, the Persian Gulf and the Indian Ocean. To that end, Azerbaijan, Russia and Iran signed an agreement for the construction of a new railway line – Qazvin (Iran) – Resht (Iran)-Astara. This project also involves the construction of a section of Qazvin-Resht-Astara rail link and the creation of several check points. This line will not only be the shortest rail link on this axis, between Baltic Sea and Persian Gulf ports, but it will also be a direct route between Pakistan and India. Another freight transport corridor is the USA-Canada railway, which crosses Narvik port (Norway), then Sweden, Finland, Russia and Kazakhstan to China. This line will also be connected to the Trans-Siberian railway. According to UIC statistics, the freight volume carried on this line will be of 190.000-240.000 TEU/year/direction. By implementing this strategy, Russia plans to bring added-value to its geographical position at international level and also fulfil its potential as transcontinental link. This project will bring a 60% increase in the freight volume carried and a 23% speed increase. The number of passengers travelling by train will increase by more than 33%, and passenger train speeds will increase by more than 72 km/h. By 2030, trains will run at a speed of 350 km/h on a 1.500 km railway network.
by Pamela Luică
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