“The programme on the rehabilitation of the pan-European Corridor IV is worth EUR 1 Billion, a sum that goes directly to the Romanian railway industry. In October 2014, there are on-going tenders for railway and Bucharest metro transport worth over EUR 2.5 Billion. Also, CFR Călători will buy rolling stock, a project financed through European funds. These are important signals for the railway industry, contributing to the development of the Romanian railway transport”, declared Gabriel Stanciu, Vice President of the Romanian Railway Industry Association (AIF) and General Manager Alstom Transport Romania, during the Railway Days – Wider Black Sea Area Summit. The event takes place on 7-8 October 2014 in Bucharest and is organised by Club Feroviar and the Romanian Railway Industry Association (AIF) under the aegis of the Community of European Railway and Infrastructure Companies (CER), the the European Rail Freight Association (ERFA) and the Association of European Rail Industry (UNIFE).
The AIF Vice President said that over the next period it will be necessary to pay attention to the importance of the General Transport Master Plan, as well as to the SOP-T for 2014-2020. “We have to initiate the activity for SOP-T 2014-2020, as it is necessary to launch and implement important projects for the railway transport in Romania”, said Stanciu.
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