“Based on estimates of future trends and orders, a global growth of 2.7% of the market delivering rail products is expected. The figure is estimated based on the increasing demand for transport and mobility. In order to face new demands, it is, however, necessary, to increase the absorption of European funds”, declared Philippe Citroën, Director General of UNIFE, at the Railway Days – the Wider Black Sea Area Railway Investment Summit, organised by Club Feroviar and the Romanian Railway Industry Association (AIF) on 7-8 October 2014 in Bucharest. The event was organised under the aegis of CER, UNIFE and ERFA.
Philippe Citroën briefly referred to the most important legal actions for the research and innovation in the European rail sector.
“We have continued to insist on the adoption of the Technical Pillar of the Fourth Railway package, a pillar that would ensure a more efficient implementation of procedures for vehicle authorisation and safety certification. In turn, they will support the establishment of a competitive environment for railway industry products”, added the Director General of UNIFE.
He then made a short review of the Shift2Rail Technological Initiative, a programme that over the next 6 years will provide EUR 920 Million to the research and innovation in the railway industry.
For UNIFE’s members, Romania is very important and the possibility of accessing European funds in 2014-2020 for the development of railway transport projects, as well as the on-going tenders of CFR SA and Metrorex, of around EUR 2.5 Billion, are definitely increasing the potential of the Romanian railway market.
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