Railway approaches to Kerch Strait bridge obtain state expert approval

Kerch-Russia_Kerch-Tunnel-tunnel-or-bridge-Fig1Glavgosexpertiza (state expert evaluation authority) says it has evaluated and approved the project documentation and findings of the engineering survey under Phase I of Taman seaport dry cargo district.

Phase I implies the construction and reconstruction of railway infrastructure facilities providing an access to the bridge being built across the Kerch Strait.

Construction of a dry cargo area at the seaport of Taman will not only ensure transport links with Crimea but will also serve as a foundation for the development of transport and logistics facilities in the Azov-Black Sea Basin.

The project approved by Glavgosexpertiza provides for construction of a railway station and approaches to the port including approaches to the Kerch Strait Bridge from the Krasnodar Region side. Besides, it includes reconstruction of Vyshestebliyevskaya station and construction of other facilities.

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