An EU Rail Passenger Security Platform will be established under an Action Plan presented by the European Commission, to improve the security of rail passengers and staff across the EU. The EC intends to establish the Platform by the end of 2018 and by the end of 2019, it will adopt technical guidance based on the work of the EU Rail Passenger Security Platform.
The action plan represents EU’s commitment to better protect public spaces and aims to prevent and respond to possible attacks targeting rail services through a new cooperation and coordination framework between Member States, including through a new EU Rail Passenger Security Platform.
The Platform will provide support in collecting information on rail security, on optimising the security of cross-border rail services and defining a coordination mechanism to avoid unilateral decisions at national level. It will play a key role in the efficient exchange of vital information at the EU level. It will also help Member States and rail stakeholders build a mechanism to quickly assess new threats and security incidents, and to undertake an appropriate coordinated response.
By 2020, the European Commission will report to the European Parliament and to the Council on the implementation of the Action Plan.
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