At European level, rail freight transport is recovering, gaining more and more ground compared to road transport. For this trend to continue, the European Union will have to provide the necessary regulations in the field, as well as the necessary financial support in order to promote the railway industry. The need for an increased level of industrialization is a key factor in ensuring the efficiency of transport services and logistics.
The fact that freight transport and logistics contributed to the economic growth has been analysed and officially recognised by both authorities and economists. In this context, the constant growth of this segment will surely contribute to the rapid development of the business sector. “The economic growth recorded by ECE countries has been deteremined by an increase in the transport demand, as well as the growing economic trend recorded in Poland, the Czech Republic and Slovakia. The logistics segment has been influenced in a positive manner”, said Elmar Wireland, Schenker & CO AG spokesperson.
Rail transport attractiveness resides in the increase in capacity and activity efficiency. In the context in which most countries are barely recovering from the economic crisis which had drastic effects on the freight transport sector and seeing as several operators managed to reach the level recorded before the crisis, while others record a constant increase, increasing the transport capacity in ports is vital for the optimization of the freight flow.
“Rail freight transport competitiveness is constantly increasing, but it doesn’t have to be limited at country or European level. In this context, the industry will also improve its activity”, said Michael Harting, General Manager Land Transport, Berlin.
Currently, the competition tends to increase and container terminals are more and more exposed to the pressure brought by the competition recorded in the transport sector: efficiency increase, time reduction, flexibility, these are key factors in attracting new freight. Therefore, increasing the level of industrialization in ports is vital. The equipment used becomes the key factor in the processing and transport activity, hence increasing the time spent on freight transport.
“For the entire intermodal chain and in order to increase traffic, one of the most important aspects is related to railway industrialization. On this segment, there are still processes done manually, but this is not enough. We need to invest in industrialization in order to ensure capacity increase and logistics sustainability”, said Harald Rotter, Director HHLA Intermodal GmbH.
Since the development of activity in ports and container terminals resides in financing projects focused on economic growth, sustainability and social improvement, “we are investing in the hinterland base on these three aspects, taking into account the industrialization, which currently faces many challenges”, added Rotter.
The good use of the infrastructure and the acquisition of specific equipment will help increase efficiency and improve the entire logistics chain contributing to the development of the industry segment.
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