Port of Durban will build an additional 1.8 million TEUs per annum container terminal. The completion of the project is set for 2021, the port manager Moshe Motlohi said. The project would include the reclamation of a 21-hectare area, creating 1 288 metres of productive quay length and sufficient for three berths. The required draught of these berths is to be -16.5m and the project will also need to include a deepening of the basin and the approach channel from the current -12.8m charted depth (CD) to -16.5m CD. This will allow the berthing of fully laden vessels of 9 200 TEU capacity with a draft of 14.5m.
According to local media, of the R300bn (USD 25bn), about R17bn (USD 1.4bn) will be spent on capital projects in the Port of Durban over the next seven years. And that is excluding the cost of the new dig-out port, which has not yet been calculated.
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