Port of Barcelona receives EU funds for rail access

Barcelona-port_Port_Barcelona_400The European Commission (EC) has granted EUR 36.1 million to the Port of Barcelona and Adif (the Spanish rail infrastructure manager) to build the rail access to the port area. The amount represents 30% of the total cost of the work, budgeted at EUR 120.4 million.
This grant, part of the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) program was requested by the Port of Barcelona to connect the area of the southern extension of the complex with the general rail network and terminal Can Tunis.
The European Commission has already paid EUR 5.4 million (the Port granted EUR 2.9 million  and Adif granted EUR 2.5 million). The Port of Barcelona has started the tender process for the works deployed by themselves, which will involve an investment of EUR 23 million. The works could start in May with an execution period of 10 months.

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