Starting with this spring, PKP Polskie Linie Kolejowe will invest PLN 4 billion (EUR 937 million) to modernize rail connections to the four ports: Gdansk, Gdynia, Szczecin and Swinoujscie. The Polish company will launch tender for the project documentation on the selected projects.
The projects aim to removing bottlenecks, increasing the railway capacity, shortening the time travel and ensuring the highest punctuality.
Port of Gdańsk: PLN 304 million (EUR 71 million) will be invested for the modernization of 226 line, the only rail link to the Northern Port. The project envisages the double-track bridge over the Martwa Wisła, a 12 km stretch of railway line between the Pruszcz Gdanski and Gdansk Port Polnocny (Northern Port) stations. The total cost of the project is PLN 500 million (EUR 117 million). In the second quarter of this year, PKP PLK intends to launch tender for project documentation concerning investments in the area of the Port of Gdańsk strictly dedicated to freight transport stations and rail links between them. The three stations are: Gdańsk Port Północny, Gdańsk Kanał Kaszubski, Gdańsk Zaspa Towarowa. The project is part of thr National Railway Programme which also was applied for financing under the second CEF Call. The project, planned for implementation between 2017 and 2020, is estimated at PLN 600 million (EUR 140.5 million), of which, CEF financing is expected to reach PLN 490.7 million (EUR 115 million).
Ports of Gdynia, Szczecin and Swinoujscie: a PLN 1.5 billion (EUR 351.4 million) investment is planned until 2020 for the modernization, construction and development of railway connections between these three ports. Currently, PKP PLK is preparing the tender documentation that will be launched this year. These projects were also submitted under the second CEF Call.
PLN 850 million (EUR 199 million) will be invested for rail access to the Port of Gdynia to increase the rail capacity, safety and efficiency.
The projects in Szczecin and Swinoujscie port areas include the construction of Szczecin Harbour Centre and rail sections that will ensure the rail connections to the station, to the Ostrow Grabowski container terminal and Swinoujscie station.
PLN 600 million (EUR 140.5 million) will be invested for the reconstruction of 38 km rail track in Szczecin Port Central and Swinoujscie, that includes works on two railway bridges, electrification of lines in Swinoujscie area, the construction of three tracks with a total of 12 km. In addition, the project involves the modernization of substructure and drainage system, traffic control and telecommunication systems.
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