Nigeria to build a light rail system in Kano

Nigeria-rail_PIC.26.-STATE-OF-THE-ABUJA-KADUNA-RAILWAY-IN-ABUJA-1024x678China Railway Construction Corporation stated that it has agreed to a USD 1.851 billion light rail system project to be built in Kano, Northwest Nigeria. The new light rail line will have a full stretch of 74.3 kilometres and is expected to travel at a speed of 100 kilometres per hour.

The Chinese company informed that the initial stage of the project work is scheduled to last two years, while the second stage of the four-line rail is expected to be for another two years. Another rail system the Nigerian federal government invested in, is the Abuja-Kaduna rail, inaugurated at the beginning of August. The railway route has already been yielding dividend; it recorded NGN 5 million revenue within the first two weeks of operation.

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