The Deputy Mayor of Moscow for Transport and Industry, Maksim Liksutov, announced that machinery products account for over 20 percent of Moscow’s industrial exports to the Gulf countries. The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia accounts for more than half of the total volume of Moscow’s NNE to the Gulf countries and Kuwait, Qatar, Oman and Iraq are demonstrating positive dynamics in export cooperation. A promising direction for the development of cooperation between Moscow and Saudi Arabia could be joint work in the field of high technologies and the implementation of projects for the digitalisation of industry.
“Industrial products account for about 70% of all non-raw material, non-energy exports from Moscow to the Gulf countries. Machinery goods are in high demand – this category accounts for more than 20% of the capital’s industrial exports to the region,” Maksim Liksutov said.
Following the international business mission, Moscow industrialists held over 80 meetings with counterparts from Saudi Arabia.
“As part of the business mission, seven Moscow manufacturers presented high-tech developments to foreign partners: components for industrial equipment, robotic complexes for construction, electric charging stations and other products. During the meetings, the partners discussed the prospects for creating contract production of payment terminals from a Moscow manufacturer, bionic prostheses, components for the oil and gas industry,” said the Minister of the Moscow Government, Head of the Department of Investment and Industrial Policy, Anatoly Garbuzov.
For example, the Moscow company Compressor Technologies and representatives of the oil and gas sector of the kingdom considered the possibility of placing the production of Moscow components for technological compressor equipment on the territory of Saudi Arabia. During the negotiations, the parties discussed the prospects for cooperation in the field of supplying products of the Moscow exporter to the country’s oil refineries.
“The Middle East is not only a promising sales market, but also an opportunity to work in a highly competitive environment where all world manufacturers of similar products are represented in order to develop and improve their own technologies,” emphasized the Director of the company Compressor Technologies Dmitry Rudachinsky.
A foreign engineering company offered a Moscow manufacturer the opportunity to jointly develop robotic equipment for the oil refining industry.
“With the support of the Mosprom center, during the business mission, we held 18 business meetings in Riyadh and Dammam. AZARRUS dismantling robots interested foreign partners in the construction, metallurgical and cement industries. Following the meeting, a distribution agreement is being prepared with a large company that has expressed its readiness to become the official representative of OOO DEMOROBOT in the market of Saudi Arabia and other Gulf countries,” noted the Director of the company DEMOROBOT Nail Saleev.
Starting in 2022, including thanks to the support provided by the Mosprom centre, Moscow manufacturers of non-raw material, non-energy products have found new partners in the markets of Latin America, Africa, the Middle East, Southeast Asia and CIS countries.
The state is actively helping domestic exporters. The national project International Cooperation and Export is a whole complex of measures for informational, financial, insurance and logistical support. The national project includes the digital platform My Export, where entrepreneurs are provided with support.
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