Malaysia Land Public Transport Commission (SPAD) awarded Vix Technology a USD 19.7 million contract to design, install, operate and maintain an integrated ticketing system.
The new Integrated Cashless Payment System (ICPS) will consolidate transit and micro-payments into a transit payments acquiring system and allow Malaysians who travel on the country’s current and future bus, rail, metro and monorail networks -to realise the
benefits of using a single integrated smartcard to pay for all their travel.
The new system expected to roll out from early 2017, will make travel and payments quicker and easier for commuters, as well as tourists, who currently have to manage various prepaid accounts and card systems operated by several disconnected transit providers. The system will support both the Touch-n-Go Card as well as the new myDebit card currently being issued by Malaysian Banks.
“With the help of partners like Vix Technology, here in Malaysia we’re leading the world in the development of a unified public transportation system with the ability to use a single smartcard across all modes of transport, making travel simpler, faster and more convenient for all Malaysians and visitors to the county,” Mohamad Nur Ismal Bin Mohamed Kamal, CEO SPAD said.
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