Slovenia’s government draft bill for the allocation of part of Koper harbour’s revenue for financing a key railway overhaul project triggered some complaints from operator Luka Koper.
With the allocation of part of Luka Koper’s revenue, the Slovenian government aims to ensure the co-financing of a project for the construction of a second rail track to the Divaca logistics hub, in order to apply for funding from the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF). The deadline for submitting applications expires on July 14, the Slovenian government said.
The bill would limit the competitive advantages of Koper over port operators in the North Adriatic, as it would no longer be able to invest in infrastructure, machinery and equipment, Luka Koper explaines.
Koper port is in strong competition with Italy’s Venice and Trieste as well as Croatia’s Rijeka harbours for attracting cargo traffic from and to landlocked central European countries such as Austria, Hungary, the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Luka Koper’s consolidated net profit amounted to EUR 44.4 million in 2016, up from EUR 32.4 million in 2015.
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