LTG Cargo and the digital solutions company Ab Ovo signed an agreement to implement an integrated resource and freight carriage planning system. The five-year contract has a value of EUR 6.4 million under which Ab Ovo will deliver Managed SaaS solution based on the DELMIA Quintiq platform from Dassault Systémes.
“The activities of a freight carrier are especially dynamic, so the companies, which are able to quickly respond to changing situation and may offer the best freight carriage solutions to customers, mostly win competitive struggle. Thus, we continuously digitize our operational processes and seek to use modern working tools in daily activities, which improve efficiency of our activities, while implemented transformation creates more value both for our employees and customers,” Egidijus Lazauskas, the CEO of LTG Cargo, said.
It involves software and hardware, license lease, maintenance, and support as well as configuration, integration creation, installation, and training services as a complete turn-key solution for LTG Cargo.
The new system will substitute working practices used until now, where most processes, related to freight carriage planning, are carried out manually and on paper.
Upon implementation of the new system the entire planning of LTG Cargo long-haul freight traffic and required resources will be carried out at the renewed LTG Cargo Carriage Planning Centre in Vilnius.
LTG Cargo is currently implementing more than fifty digital transformation and robotic process automation (RPA) initiatives, by which they seek to improve efficiency of activities and increase company’s competitiveness. Mobile apps and digital analytics tools are created for that purpose. The Ab Ovo solution is part of this continuous initiative to transform the organisation.
The new system will improve the efficiency of LTG Cargo rolling stock, quality, and accuracy of freight carriage planning, will ensure control of freight carriage activities, quicker response to changes in activities and notification of company’s employees and customers.
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