The rolling stock of Landesnahverkehrsgesellschaft Niedersachsen (LNVG) from Lower Saxony, Germany has has successfully completed 100-million km of service since starting operation in 2003. The LNVG fleet consists of 37 Bombardier TRAXX locomotives and 220 Bombardier TWINDEXX double-deck coaches.
The fleet is owned by LNVG, operated by metronom Eisenbahngesellschaft, and maintained by Bombardier Transportation and its partners Osthannoversche Eisenbahn (OHE) and Eisenbahn und Verkehrsbetriebe Elbe-Weser (evb).
After originally delivering the vehicles in 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007 and 2010, Bombardier assumed fleet maintenance and achieved an average availability of over 99 percent. According to the terms of a contract extension until 2035 signed in August 2016, Bombardier was officially named as the fleet’s registered keeper as well as the Entity in Charge of Maintenance (ECM) and will ensure a fleet availability of 100 percent in operation.
“We are very proud of this achievement that shows that public transport in Germany can be both reliable and economic. Since 2003, we have been working closely with our partners to offer reliable mobility and high comfort to the population in Lower Saxony. Increasing passenger numbers and reaching 100 million kilometers of operation prove this in a compelling fashion,” Hans-Joachim Menn, CEO of LNVG, said.
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