During 2014-2020, EUR 1.47 billion of EU structural funds are envisaged to be used for the upgrade of Lithuania’s transport infrastructure.
Priority in the transport sector will be given to intermodal transport system. For the first time, the largest investments will be earmarked not to the upgrade of road infrastructure, but to the rail: 44 percent will be allocated to railways and 38 percent to roads.
Regarding to railway projects, it is expected that investments will be delivered for the development of the project “Rail Baltica” and electrification of railway lines.
In addition, emphasis will be put on the development of sustainable urban mobility, traffic safety, implementation of Intelligent Transport Systems, improvement of energy-efficiency, development of environmentally-friendly modes of transport.
In order to promote the development of advanced information society, 25 percent of funds will be earmarked to optimize the information and communication technology infrastructure. Around 18 percent of the funds will be used to the development of the next generation internet access by increasing the availability of electronic communications infrastructure.
At the end of 2015, nearly EUR 50 million of the 2014-2020 EU funds were used for the modernization of road and railway projects.
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