The review of Irish rail strategy has been completed by the Department of Transport and Department for Infrastructure and includes 32 recommendations to enhance and expand the rail system in Ireland and Northern Ireland estimated at EUR 37 billion.
The projects included in the vision include additional track capacity, electrification, as well as the construction of new lines, particularly in the North Midlands and North West, widening accessibility and connectivity.
It is proposed that the rail network route length would increase by 700 km, from 2,300 km to almost 3,000 km, with the reopening of former and new rail lines. This expanded network, together with modernised lines will meet authroties’ objectives to triple the number of people using the rail system annually from 65 million to over 180 million by 2050.
“The report provides a long-term vision and a series of recommendations for the sustainable development of the rail network on the island. I would like to see the recommendations actioned as soon as possible, and I am pleased that work is now well underway, with European Investment Bank assistance, on how we can move forward,” Minister for Transport, Ireland, Eamon Ryan, said.
The government says that in the coming months, rail services on the island are to be developed towards the report’s vision. This includes an increase to an hourly train service between Dublin and Belfast, and additional services between Dublin and Galway, while procurement has also started on a new, faster, more sustainable “Enterprise” train fleet for the Dublin – Belfast route. In addition there are clear commitments to extend Dublin’s DART network as well as expand and renew the rolling stock.
Ireland and Northern Ireland are committed to investing in public transport to address wider challenges and opportunities. As the stronger backbone of a sustainable transport system, rail can support a growing and aging population, enable housing growth and development, mitigate congestion in cities, and deliver more equitable outcomes for all regions of the island. To realise the opportunities and address the challenges outlined above, the review has developed a Vision Statement, six overarching goals, and 13 objectives.
The Irish rail strategy up to 2050, aligning with net carbon zero commitments, will transform the quality of the rail system for passenger and freight services with increased speeds and higher service frequencies.
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